by Sunny Huynh on March 13, 2018
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Law Enforcement, Legislative Updates, Uncategorised,
On March 7, 2018, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a lawsuit challenging California’s “sanctuary” state laws. This is only one in a series of actions that Attorney General Sessions’ has taken to curtail “sanctuary” efforts in the United States.
While the term “sanctuary” city or state does not have a precise definition, it generally refers to a jurisdiction that limits its cooperation with federal immigration authorities. The idea behind a “sanctuary” city or state is to reduce the fear of deportation among immigrants living in a jurisdiction illegally, ... Continue Reading
AB 103, AB 450, Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, Jeff Sessions, Sanctuary City, SB 54,
by David G. Ritchie on February 26, 2018
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Employment Law, Unions,
The United States Supreme Court hears oral argument today in a case that could reshape finances for public employee unions in 22 states, including California, where those unions are able to collect “agency fees” from non-member public employees to cover the costs of negotiating collective bargaining agreements and representation services.
Two years ago, the Court heard similar issues in Friedrichs v. California Teacher’s Association 136 S. Ct. 1083 (2016), however, the decision stalled 4-4 at the Court after Justice Scalia’s death prior to the decision, leaving the lower court decision ... Continue Reading
Collective Bargaining, Janus v. American Federation, Union Dues, Union Shop,
by Matthew S. Kane on February 11, 2018
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Recent Court Decisions,
A recent court ruling in the First Appellate District of the California Court of Appeal may require cities to make changes to their procedures for hearing administrative appeals of substandard housing citations.
In Lippman v. City of Oakland, a landlord who owns rental property in Oakland appealed citations he received from the City’s Building Services Department for blight and substandard living conditions. The landlord’s claims on appeal were adjudicated by a single hearing officer who was appointed by the same Department that cited him.
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Appeals of Administrative Citations, Building Code, Citations, Enforcement,
by Betsy Martyn on January 4, 2018
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Legislative Updates,
The State Legislature has enacted new prevailing wage legislation affecting public agency projects. Our office has summarized this new legislation.
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New Legislation, Prevailing wages,
by Betsy Martyn on January 4, 2018
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Legislative Updates,
Several new laws have taken effect in 2018. Our office has prepared a summary of new laws affecting local government.
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